Table of contents
An important part of our approach consists of trying out solutions and technologies ourselves. We try this ourselves because we believe that everything that is made in the “outside world” can also be made in other places. Then try to make it yourself with the aim of being a good client.
Try to build yourself
The first step is to try to build the technological solution yourself.
To gain a good insight into whether a technological solution can work, we believe that you first need to know how something works and how you build something yourself. That's why we always start by trying to build it ourselves.
How do we do that?
It sounds too simple for words, but we first check in our team if anyone has experience with the technological solution. If not, we use a search engine and a video platform to see if and how we could do it ourselves. We follow a video instruction and thus gain experience whether and how we can make something.
Make it yourself
After we have become acquainted with the solution, we must of course also try to make it into a representative solution. The fact that we can make the solution with a video instruction does not mean that this will also work with a real example.
After we have gained the insight that we can make something ourselves, we start using this knowledge to make our own version. We do this to test the previously acquired knowledge in practice whether the instructions from the video can also be used in another way.
How do we do that?
We will take an example for this that is related to the services provided by the SVB or the government. In this way we can make the example representative of reality. This also ensures that we can better explain the solution to ourselves and to colleagues from the SVB and the government. An abstract example where you have to think of everything yourself does not work.
Being a good client
When trying out and making yourself you often discover where the limitations lie of building yourself. Knowledge, experience and technical environments are not always available or at the level of rapid development. That is why we often look for cooperation with startups, scale ups and other companies.
The experiences we have gained before ensure that we can better ask for what we need. This makes us a better client and we speak the language that is required for further development. By immersing yourself in a particular topic, you also understand better what you are talking about. You can compare this with the Empathise phase of Design Thinking.
How do we do that?
Because you know better what is needed, you can more easily look for a suitable party. For this we use, for example, Tekdelta and our own external network. Because we speak the language, potential partners take us more seriously and you also ensure that people want to cooperate more quickly to do the right thing for society.